Hello, I'm Alex Cheng

Focused on Web Development

My current interest lies in learning web development, with a specialization in front-end frameworks, while also expanding my knowledge of back-end technologies.

About Me

Who Am I?

At a very young age, I realized my interest in working with computers and technology in general. So, right after finishing secondary school at the age of 16, I immediately started studying "HBO-ICT" at the HAN University of Applied Sciences.

During this time, I have learned various technologies, but one has truly stood out to me: web development. I simply love that this career is always centered around creative problem-solving and continuous innovation.

Besides that, in my free time, I enjoy activities such as going to the gym, playing video games, and, of course, dedicating time to programming. I am always eager to learn new things every day!

Click here to check some of my work!



What Have I Learned?


What Have I Built?

Inside AirBNB


Wanna Talk?

Contact Me

Alex Cheng

Web Developer

I am always open to new opportunities and experiences. Whether you have a interesting project idea or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out to me using the contact information provided below. I look forward to hearing from you!

Lets stay in touch!