Application to display Airbnb locations across Amsterdam.
This was a school project for the course NOTS - Web Applications. The project required developers to build their own Airbnb clone, with some extra features. These features were intended for the management team of InsideAirbnb, which they could use to get an overview of different statistics, such as: average reviews per neighborhood, monthly income per neighborhood, number of accommodations, etc.
During this project, I learned how to use several Azure services like Redis Caching, Azure AD B2C, and App Service. For the front-end, I chose React.js, Mapbox.js (to show the different Airbnb locations), and Charts.js (to display multiple graphs). Besides that, I was required to create an ASP.NET Core Web API with an MSSQL database running in Docker as the back-end. Lastly, I documented the complete coding process along with performance tests using Apache JMeter and vulnerability tests using OWASP ZAP.
At first this project was really challenging, due to the big variety of technologies being used. But after setting up a solid development environment, I believe that I have done an excellent job in fulfilling the wants and needs of the project.
Tech Stack
.NET Core
App Services
Redis Caching
Azure AD B2C
Apache JMeter